
Want to be away from busy streets Ashika Ranganath

Liking the likes of wattle and daub homes, Amigos fame Ashika Ranganath like any early settler in her childhood loved staying in a growing colony. Her home was built in a style that reflected the architecture of Karnataka. “We used to have a lot of celebrations in that house. Old-ancient infrastructure: moving into it was a life-changing descision for our life.

Today as an actress I am divided in my choices because my preferences depend on what the current generation is doing. But I haven’t forgotten my intensity of nostalgia.” Grew up in an industrial area, she continued, “The education was so good there. The most famous engineering colleges of south are based where I was growing up in Karnataka. I started looking forward to a secluded, traditional residence when I turned an actress with modern infrastructure. The diverse aesthetics attract me a lot.”

Sharing more, “Subtle, plain colours are my go-to choice. The style should be pleasing to the eye! I like to retain my old preferences also. Grandeur is not my thing, never was. I am influenced by historical style. I can experience lavishness when I live in hotels for my work! Want to be away from busy streets and main road areas. Home needs to feel like home.

The interiors make up for charming details.” She doesn’t want nature to take back bench in her house — “I want preserve it with my own hands if I ever buy a big bungalow for myself. As an actress, I am mostly busy, so I want to opt for lower maintenance time and cost. After finishing a scrumptious meal cooked by my chefs, I want to have a fulfilling walk in my garden. I am not a hippie but I recognise the importance of landscaping through the knowledge that I have gained. Greener and open space will enhance my lifestyle. I stay in an apartment right now, and there is no peace. I am fancying a villa as soon as possible in my life.”

Whenever she’s not shooting, the actress is busy cleaning her room just like any other simple girl. She continued, “I don’t watch too much of television. My most favorite past time is to clean my jewelry. Even if my phone’s battery is low it’s absolutely okay for me. If given a chance, would love to build my dream home in Switzerland. I have been there for a shoot and you wouldn’t want to return from that alpine town. There is a spirit of innovation that’s in the air! It’s the most glorious when in winter season — like how charming villages are there I also want a small cottage of my own there.

There is excitement around every mountain bend.” Liking the adventurous home-side of Kiccha Sudeep, when Ashika visited his home for a success bash, she witnessed, “The centre of attraction is his terrace kitchen! He told me he is the one who planned the entire interiors of his house. All the fancy stuff is bought by him! During pandemic, he was baking cakes and cookies there and sending to all his celebrity friends through the driver. I’ll always remember his terrace kitchen made with wooden flooring.”

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