Categories: Celebrity Homes

Virat Kohli diversifying his food venture

Virat Kohli is not somebody new who is in the arms race in the F& B industry, but we know for sure that now he’s seeking to ascend the heights of making this into an empire — we hear he has opened a new branch of his restaurant named One8 Commune but what’s the most enticing part of this is that the restaurant space is built over late Kishore Kumar’s former bungalow. His celebrity’s name recognition is obviously quickly luring customers and that’s how he is building part by part. But What is even more tempting is the interiors of this new restaurant & from our sources we get to the depths of it just to bring you an exclusive segment.

The interior designer let’s know, “Virat Kohli’s property is designed specifically for its context. The city, the surroundings, the people. That being said, the restaurant is a homage to the late Kishore Kumar. Located at his old house, it celebrates the pluralism that being in the commune implies. It’s a space for everyone to relax and just unwind. It is literally designed with a homely yet elegant social vibe.” So, helmed by the former captain of the Indian cricket team, the hint is in the name! It seems he was aptly inspired to take up this flawless project after his years of touring, where he discovered that dining meant a million things to a million people, but the larger part of the experience consisted of going out. The interior designer has added green plants, wood clad walls, stone details — all for socializing.

Virat Kohli New Foodie Venture

“The menu is vegetarian friendly; loaded with cult snacks, and leans towards both old favorites and our variations to them. Also retaining a promise of refinement in plates inspired by global taste buds. It is democratic to a larger than the normal variety. It specializes in delicious food featuring fresh ingredients such as poke bowls, taro leaf wadi, cottage cheese steak with fennel stew, and Maharashtrian lamb curry. Spices of which have been sourced from the native of Kolhapur, bhavnagri mirchi from Gujarat, and the pickle from Nepal. These exquisite ingredients have been gathered to cater to all communities,” tells our source.

Instead of a traditional streamlined place, Virat Kohli focused more on the right details that resembles a friendly place to socialize. So, he went for a visual inspiration first with the help of his interior designer and like a design enthusiast himself got involved into making of this new chain of restaurant. The designer also told us, “It’s a glass house made of cobblestone walls because Virat loves cultural identity of his country & colors are from the highlands of our India.

He was just adamant on creating a unique space. Glass house is so beautiful that you can see the open blue skies. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of it?” Combining earth tones and textures, Virat incorporated some mouldings and antique furniture too. As he is mentioning again and again, focus is on an inviting atmosphere & some aesthetics. It’s a good way of using your fame and fortune, as a business platform. But at the same time, he is having a shift from the spotlight. Although for us he is always shining at both the fronts.

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