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New GO 69 issued to repeal GO 111, lacks clarity

  • Revoking GO 111 could lead to destruction!
  • Is the government ignoring the report of the Experts Committees?
  • Did the government set aside the Supreme Court observations on the experts reports?
  • Why GO 69 was released hastily?
  • Why not include experts in the new committee headed by the Chief Secretary?
  • Environmentalists are angry over the government decision

The Mithi (Mahim) River in Mumbai was neglected by the rulers in Maharashtra. Over a period, it got polluted by sewage, industrial waste and municipal waste. From washing dishes and animals to illegal activities such as washing oil drums, are being carried out in the river. Over the years, the river has been encroached upon and also littered with solid waste as well as plastic. Eventually, this is leading to the floods in Mumbai and submerging of the houses in the river’s vicinity.

Similarly, the second runway of the Chennai International Airport was built on the Adyar River. Most of the airport was built in riverine areas, which in turn caused severe damage to the runway as well as Chennai city during the 2015 floods. Houses and buildings were illegally built in the area abutting the river. They were all submerged during the floods. Experts have, time and again, warned that these floods were purely due to a human error.

Historically, the areas developed by encroaching upon tanks and rivers have suffered severe damaged during the floods. Anyone who goes against nature, will have to pay a heavy price for their crime. Therefore, ecologists are of the opinion that if Hyderabad does not want to suffer such horrific fate, the GO 111 villages should be protected. Any negligence in protecting the twin reservoirs, could lead to increase in pollution and put the city itself at risk of major catastrophe. The area where Musi River originated, can be described as the area with rich biodiversity, rock diversity, and ecology. The area is filled with a few thousands of medicinal plants. Water flows naturally from Ananthagiri to the twin reservoirs. Thus, Hyderabad is blessed to have a rare nature’s gift with the rain water getting captured and recharge the groundwater naturally. But the government did not discuss about protecting the same and it is terribly wrong to say that it would consider these issues after repealing GO 111. The Hyderabadis are of the view that the government has removed GO 111 only for the benefit of the real estate business.

The Supreme Court praised three reports!

Environmentalists say the GO 111 was not issued in a hurry. During the Nizam’s period, the then Nizam Nawab built two reservoirs on the Isa and Musi rivers to prevent any threat to the people of Hyderabad during the floods. It is said that the Nizam had even issued a decree for their protection. They were named as Osman Sagar and Himayath Sagar Reservoirs which have not only protected the city from floods, but also recharged groundwater. Hundreds of years have passed since they were built and special attention was needed to ensure safety. In a report released by the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board in 2021, it was stated that there was a need to focus on the safety of the twin reservoirs due to the increasing inflow of flood water. In 1985, the then government issued GO 50 for protection of these reservoirs. Subsequently, in 1994, the then Water Board appointed an Experts Committee to study the reservoirs and the surrounding areas and based on its report, GO 192 was released. The Experts Committee submitted its second report in 1996, based on which the GO 111 was brought into force.

However, in 2000, the GO 111 issue reached the Supreme Court due to Surana Oil Industries and Derivatives. Taking into consideration of the reports submitted by Dr Baumik from Mumbai, the NGRI experts committee and the National Environment Panel, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of GO 111 based on the Principle of Precaution and Burden of Proof. The Apex Court also praised these three reports. But the Telangana government appears to have ignored all these reports and issued a new GO, which is leading to lot of opposition among people especially environmentalists against the government decision.

Environmentalists must be involved!

In fact, in 2016, the State government informed the National Green Tribunal (NGT) that it had formed an Empowered Committee with three IAS officers. But, the committee did not submit any report till 2018 and it was subsequently reconstituted. However, this committee too is said to have made no progress so far. Environmentalists are finding fault with the State government for not informing the same to the court. Recently, the State High Court told the government that the committee report should be submitted within four weeks, but there has been no response. What has that committee done for last six years? No one knows if any report was ever submitted. But, suddenly, the State government issued order revoking GO 111 based on the recommendations of the State Cabinet recently. The twin reservoirs had blanket protection due to GO 111 which was removed with the implementation of GO 69. Moreover, a new committee with the officials was also constituted and we are all aware that the committee can be easily influenced by the government to submit a report in favor of GO 69. Hence, environmentalists and subject matter experts also should be involved in the committee.

GO No 69 is not clear

Any number of GOs can be issued and revoked. But the government decisions on sensitive issues like GO 111, should happen democratically. Experts say that GO No 69 is not clear about the catchment area, source of water management and sanitation. Immediate measures should be taken to reduce pollution caused by effluents from industries in the catchment areas of the twin reservoirs. Where are the Sewerage Treatment Plants (STPs) promised by the government and how many of them are successfully functioning in the city? Since 1996, the successive governments have been promising to clean up Hussain Sagar and we all know the result. The government officials have failed miserably in this regard. There are no authentic reports to confirm that water quality has improved in Hussain Sagar. Further, the experts pointed out that GO 69 does not even mention about the fate of floodwaters.

Assurances given in GO 111 have not been fulfilled till date. The GO 111 has assured special packages to farmers which was neither implemented by the successive governments in erstwhile Andhra Pradesh nor Telangana. The leaders who are fighting against repealing the GO 111, could not address these issues over all these years. People are questioning the Congress which was in power for a decade in undivided Andhra Pradesh, over its failure to implement the provisions of GO 111 and provide a special package to farmers in these 84 villages under GO 111.

Environment and development must be balanced. While people living in the catchment areas along the river banks want to become partners in the development, they are also concerned about the environment. Builders and developers in Hyderabad too are being cautious while reacting to the repeal of GO 111. They want the government to take their advice and suggestions while preparing the master plan of the area.

Were the old GO copies burnt? (Box)

Surprisingly, the records pertaining to GO 192, GO 50 and even the Nizam’s decree for protection of the twin reservoirs are said to be missing. A retired official had even alleged that the copies of these GOs and related documents were all burnt way back in 2014. But no one knows if it is true or not. There is no credibility for GO 69 which was released recently as it did not mention old GO 50 or GO 192 which is mandatory. Experts point out that the GO also fails to mention about the Supreme Court judgement in favour of GO 111, raising questions from all.

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