
Did house sales increased?

The real estate sector is back on the rails as the Covid-19 has almost left the shores of the country. The increased sales in the property market during the past three months stands as an example in this regard. During January-March period, over 6993 units were sold, registering a growth in the sales by 1 per cent when compared to sale of units during the corresponding period last year.

At least 78,627 units were sold in eight main cities across the country during the Jan-March period this year, registering the highest sales for the last four years. Compared to sale of units during Jan-March period of 2022 is 9 per cent more than that of the unit sales during the corresponding period last year , according to statistics released by real estate consultancy Night Frank recently. The National Capital Region of Delhi registered twice the sale of units compared to the sale of units last year during the corresponding period. In all, 15,019 units were sold in the region.

Bangaluru registered 34 per cent growth rate in the sale by selling over 13,663 units during the period. Mumbai registered a sale of 21,548 units, which is 9 per cent more than the sale of units last year during the corresponding period. However, the sale of units went down in Chennai by 17 percent selling only 3376 units in the same period.

Two other consultancies Anarock and Proptiger have released their statistics last week. According to them, the sale of total number of units across seven cities is 99,550 as per the statistics provided by Anarock consultancy. Similarly, Proptiger put the total number of units sold in eight main cities in the country at 70,623.

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