
Case registered against Gauri Khan

A case was registered against Gauri Khan with the Sushant Golf City Police station in Lucknow in connection with delay in handing over a flat to the customer by Tulsiani Group. Incidentally, Gauri Khan was the brand ambassador of the group. The case was registered following a complaint lodged with the police by Kireet Jaswant Shah of Mumbai against the group’s MD Anil Tulsiani and director Mahesh Tulsiani.

In the complaint, Shah mentioned that he visited the office of Tulsiani Constructions and Developers Office in 2015 and bought a flat for Rs 86 lakh. As per the agreement, the flat should be handed over to him in 2016, but the developer did not honour the agreement. Upon gathering information, it was revealed that the flat was disposed of to another customer. At the time of reaching the agreement, Gauri Khan was the brand ambassador for the group. Because of the reason, he also named Gauri Khan in the complaint.

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