Time ripe for investing in realty?

The Bull Run in the property market is continuing. The market has been described as the dynamic and one of the fastest growing ones. This is attributed to change of perspective among the consumers and investing in real estate. The term real estate is very broad and as such it includes right from shopping malls to ordinary shops. In India, retails business include pharmacies, dry cleaners, cafes and for that matter any sales venture. The CBRE has predicted that the leasing of shopping malls this would register growth compared to the leasing activity last year. The inauguration of new shops in 2022 has increased by 25% comparatively.

Acceding to ANAROCK research data, sales in first quarter of 2022 are at an all-time high since 2015 with approx. 99,550 units sold across the top 7 cities. This is a 71% yearly rise against approx. In fact, 58,290 units were sold back in first quarter of 2021. The two leading realty hotspots – MMR and NCR – accounted for over 48% of the total sales in the top 7 cities, with NCR witnessing an over 114% yearly jump.

Retailers have partnerned with e-commerce brands and housing agencies to spread far and wide their offers. Now there are ample opportunities for the traditional retailers to improve their digital resources and strengthen the network with consumers. The digital business can maintain their identity without having any rented premises. Under the prevailing situation, the retail real estate is likely to register growth. For the past several years, the investors have adopted a wait and watch attitude for right time to make investments in realty sector.

In fact, to invest in realty, the investors should closely monitor some significant factors likes rents at a given place, returns on the investment. As normalcy restored all over the globe in the post-Covid scenario, the demand from consumers increasing all through the year. In this context, investors who rebuild real estate networks will be able to take advantage of new opportunities. Overall, the future of retail real estate remains somewhat uncertain. However, there is no doubt that risk-taking investors are capable of changing the market.

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