
Complaint to HYDRA over encroachments on Premavathipet Lake

Environmentalist Lubna Sarwath Complains to CM and Hydra Chairman Revanth

Environmentalist Lubna Sarwath has lodged a complaint with HYDRA regarding issues related to the Premavathipet Lake near Aramghar. She has reported significant irregularities and violations in the buffer zone and other related aspects of the lake. According to her, the relevant authorities have incorrectly determined the lake’s FTL and buffer zone boundaries, leading to several encroachments.

She explained that comparisons of satellite images, NRSC data, and Google Earth images with Maximum Water Spread (MWS) reveal discrepancies in the FTL and cadastral maps. Sarvath sent her complaint via email to Chief Minister and HYDRA Chairman Revanth Reddy.

In the complaint, it was stated that the conduct of the NTD EE (Executive Engineer) was not appropriate. The Premavathipet Lake (ID 2921) was identified before 2014, but the FTL was determined only on January 22, 2018, by a joint survey conducted by revenue and irrigation officials. It was mentioned that the date of the survey was not provided.

Even though the survey took place in 2018, the preliminary notification was issued only on the 2nd of this month, and the final notification has yet to be issued. The complaint questioned the reasons for such delays.

Additionally, it was noted that the lake map has not been posted on the HMDA website. The complaint asked why the lake had not been notified until the 2nd of this month and why it was handed over to the Vaishno Group. It was highlighted that discrepancies could be observed even by examining Google Earth maps from 2018.

The complaint detailed that according to the survey conducted on January 22, 2018, the FTL map indicated that the lake’s Maximum Water Spread area is significantly larger than previously determined.

The complaint requested Revanth Reddy to issue orders to restore the lake’s hydrology on an urgent basis. It also called for a thorough examination of the roles of HMDA, irrigation, and revenue officials in the destruction of the lake and for strict actions to be taken. Furthermore, it requested the cancellation of promotions for the NTD EE who created incorrect maps.

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