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Buy property in rainy season to detect defects!

Everyone feels it cumbersome to out during rainy season. However, it is the perfect season for an individual to buy a house, according to experts from real estate sector. They are of the view that the quality of the house and local area conditions can be studied clearly only during the rainy season.

The sweltering heat has eased with the advent of the monsoons. Many people enjoy showers, but going out during rains is not welcome for them. Traffic jams are a quite a normal phenomena in Hyderabad city especially when it rained. The experts suggest that the rainy season is the perfect season to come to an understanding of the property to be bought and the locality of the property.

Whatever is the property, many fail to detect defects in the property they intend to buy – an apartment, villa or an independent house. However, during the rainy season, when rains are incessant it is easy to detect leakages, rains entering the house from balcony, walls becoming wet. There would be no use in confronting with the builder. If there any such defects, the house owner should spend from his pocket to carry out the repairs. In spite of carrying out the repairs, the house owner never feels satisfied. Hence, inspecting a house under construction or a house whose construction is through during the rainy season would enable the owner to rectify the defects if any. They can ask the builder to rectify the defects.

The locality where the house is situated plays a crucial role. The surroundings appear to be normal during ordinary days. However, the real situation will come to the fore only during the rainy season. Once can study the condition of roads, drainages and movement of traffic during the rainy season thoroughly. That is why one should visit the locality of the property during the rainy season.

In an city, during the rainy season traffic jams are experienced. The roads get inundated as there is no outlet for the rain water to escape. What is the nature of the public transport in areas where the houses are located? How much time does it take to travel to the locality to the bus station or railway station especially when it rained are very important for the intending property buyers. That is why, those who intend to buy property should inspect their home and it’s locally during the rainy season and takes a decision, according to the experts.

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