Builder arrested for cheating buyers

The Mumbai police arrested builder Jayesh Shah (59) for allegedly duping five flat buyers of Rs 10 crore. He was sent to police custody. According to a fresh complaint by Avadh Shah, he along with four others had booked flats in a housing project at Oshiwara. While Avadh had paid Rs 98.39 lakh, the others paid a total sum of Rs 8.48 crore. He said they were supposed to get possession of their flats in 2012 but even after a decade, the housing project has been incomplete and they still haven’t got possession. Avadh told the police they were shocked to learn that the builder did not have all permissions required from the BMC. Yet, the builder had constructed an 18- storey tower though he had permission to construct only 17 floors. Also, the builder had taken bookings of flats up to the 27th floor. The police said that the builder had diverted the funds that had been collected from flat purchasers in another project.

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