
Alekhya Homes @ HarithaHaram

Like it takes every drop to become an ocean, every brick to make a monument, it takes every seed to create a forest. The citizens of Telangana will be forever grateful to our beloved Chief Minister, K Chandrashekar Rao for his vision towards increasing the greenery in the state. Haritha Haram, a programme initiated by his team is a much needed revolution in the current scenario. Under the able guidance of Minister of Municipal Administration & Urban Development K.T.Rama Rao, Somesh kumar (Chief Secretary), Aravind Kumar (MA & UD), this initiative has become a huge success and is echoing worldwide, and Alekhya homes salutes each and every person in this team of green warriors.

As responsible stakeholders of this mother nature, it’s time we take a step towards our green future. All it takes is one small step. From a few square feet size kitchen gardens to square miles of open spaces, there is a lot one step can do. Here are few initiatives that companies and organizations can take up with their team:

● Educate everyone about the benefits of plants and trees. A potted plant and a tremendous tree give us a lot everyday.
● Create an app to track the growth of greenery that could convert as reward points
● For technologically disabled people, creating a green passbook would help in earning green points.
● Adopt not just plants but an entire park or open space that gives us so much in return if maintained properly.
● Awareness campaigns and meetups should be organized frequently by private and government organizations
● Agriculturalists, Botanists, Forest Officials, Landscape Architects, Students, Researchers, Professors, every related person should come forward, organize and participate in forums.

Alekhya Homes have been practicing ecological initiatives over the years to help humanity in every possible way. Its self sustainable planting methods, maintaining soil nutrition, and various rain water harvesting techniques have enriched the local biodiversity. its thanked the people who understand our language and work effortlessly to make such dreams come true. Alekhya Homes educate and spread awareness to young kids, homemakers, moneymakers, retired personnels, senior citizens and keep doing this until it make every one as a green warrior. Today, Society need more influencers and creators like Subash Palekar ji who dedicated his life for such a green revolution. It’s a high time to talk about green revolution, time to plant each and every location as cover earth with green. Parks, open spaces mainly Govt offices, Govt lands, Private offices, Private lands as green zones. Two responsible and senior citizens from every organisation can do thoughtful green zones to create in their sorroundings.

Environmental scientist and expert Y K Reddy Garu (Retired Deputy Director General) said that Telangana State has never seen such heavy rainfall during July month. this kind of unusual occurrence is part of Global Climate Change and has to be brought to the attention immediately. Hence Telangana need more green volunteers to fight for such a cause and take an oath to protect and safeguard nature. Come join us to make this place a bit brighter and greener each day starting from today. Alekhya Homes believe in Daivam Vruksha Rupena, spell nature as God and God as nature and conclude by quoting our Puranas “ Vruksho Rakshathi Rakshithaha

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