
Ownership title on assignment lands

  • The decision to benefit over 66,111

The Government of Andhra Pradesh has taken a crucial decision on assigned lands. The state cabinet gave a green signal to give ownership title on the assignment lands. If the person enjoying assignment lands for over 20 years, the person is entitled to get ownership rights.00In all, 66,111 persons are entitled to get ownership rights to 63,191.84 acres of the assignment lands. The assignees of the assignment lands are entitled to enjoy the rights and their legal heirs in the case of death of the original assignee. By virtue of the ownership, the assignees would be able to sell their assignment lands like any other farmer. Similarly, the farmers tilling lands in islands in rivers would get D-form pattas for 9602 acres.

In case of some other lands, permission has been granted to the owners to give the lands on lease for five years. The Cabinet has agreed to remove the lands given to practitioners of various vocations in villages have been remote from the prohibition list. In fact, the lands given to potters, washer men, carpenters and barbers towards Inam have been included under the list of prohibited lands. Now, such lands will be removed from the list of prohibition and ownership title would be given to them.

Also, the Cabinet approved construction of 47000 houses in Amaravati CRDA. Further, the age of retirement of the permanent teaching staff in universities has been increased to 65 from 62 years. Similarly, the age of retirement of employees working in Endowments Department has been increased to 62 years from 60.

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