Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan has purchased two luxury apartments in Mumbai. He booked the flats in a project called D Décor Twenty in the Juhu area, valued at Rs 86.92 crore. Varun Dhawan, along with his wife Natasha Dhawan, bought a flat on the 7th floor for Rs 44.52 crore, as reported by The 5,112 square foot carpet area of this flat comes with four car parking spaces, and the cost per square foot is above Rs 87,000. Additionally, Varun purchased a second luxury flat on the 6th floor of the same building, valued at Rs 42.40 crore, along with his mother Karuna Dhawan.
This apartment spans 4,617 square feet and also comes with four car parking spaces. Both flats were registered on January 3. The two apartments in the project by D Décor Exports Pvt. Ltd. in Juhu total 9,730 square feet, with a combined cost of Rs 86.92 crore. Recently, Dhawan appeared in the film Baby John alongside Keerthy Suresh, Jackie Shroff, and Vamika.