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Tips to take care of your House in rainy season

Are you dreaming of enjoying pleasant weather in rainy season by drinking hot coffee and snacks from the balcony of your house? The monsoon season is pleasant on one hand and on the other it can be equally nasty. The season is harmful to houses. To maintain one’s property in good order, here are some of the tips and tricks.

Application of pest control chemicals

During the rainy season, insects like mosquitoes, cockroaches, leeches breed in cracks on walls. They are harmful to our health. That is why; pest control chemicals should be applied to clean the walls and other structures of the house. Inmates should take care to keep the house dry as far as concerned. Cobwebs should be removed from time to time.

Are there any leakages?

Generally, there will be cracks all over the house on walls, roof and so on. The inmates should find out is there any water seepage from the cracks. Wall putty should be applied on them or any other leak-proof material.

Take care of books

Moisture is harmful o the books. Only book-lovers feel the pain of it. In this backdrop, there is every need to protect the books. The books should be kept in almirahs, cupboards and preserved closing the doors of almirahs and cub boards. Phenolphthalein balls should be placed near the books to prevent foul smell emanating from old books.

Monitor drainages

In rainy season, frequent problem of drainages getting blocked due to accumulation of garbage in the drains. The drains are the breeding grounds for mosquitoes and other insects. In this backdrop, care should be taken to ensure that there is free flow of water in the drainages.

Waterproofing the roof

In case of torrential rain, the most affected part of the house would be roof. That is why, one should carefully examine for cracks, if any, on the roof. If there are cracks in the roof and if the roof leaks, urgent steps should be initiated to check them. To waterproof the roof, one should fix the leaks and cracks using Master Seal, Dr Fixit and other leak-proof solutions.

Prevent fungus

Rainy season is conducive for the quick growth of fungus. That is why, one should identify the places of growth of fungus in a house. They should be tackled immediately. The fungus grows in places where there is moisture. Identify such places and immediately take remedial measures to check growth of the fungus in houses.

Remove rugs and carpets

The season is not suitable for use of rugs and carpets. Because of dampness, the fungus may grow. Moreover, it emits foul smell. That is why; rugs and carpets should be removed in the season.

Umbrella stands

Everyone needs umbrellas in rainy season. Therefore, one should not forget to keep a stand to place umbrellas near the entrance way of the house. People can enter homes by placing umbrellas in the stand to prevent water dripping from the umbrellas entering homes.

Replace heavy curtains with light ones

Normally, sky will be overcast during rainy season. The daylight will be dim. As a result, the light entering houses through windows will be at its minimum. Therefore, heavy curtains are not needed to decorate the windows. In their place, it is always advisable to use light and transparent curtains.

Use of bamboo furniture is best choice

In rainy season, use of bamboo furniture is advisable. Replacing wooden furniture with bamboo furniture is the best option as bamboo furniture absorbs moisture. As a result, there would not be any growth of fungus. If there are any plans to buy new furniture, it is better to postpone them to a later date. At the same time, the wooden furniture should be moved away from walls.

Scented candles

Close on the heels of rains, stinking smell emerges. To avoid it, one should light citrus smelling aromatic candles in one’s house.

Application of paints

People are advised to use anti-dampness exterior paints available in the market in various shades. One should apply a coat of the pain both exterior and interior to make your house damp-proof. Some of the paints help decrease the internal temperature in the house by at least five degrees. A liter of paint can be bought anywhere between Rs 250 and Rs 450.

If the people take all these precautions in rainy season, one can enjoy the pleasant atmosphere and protect their properties from dampness and its adverse impact.

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