
They are not plants, but storehouses of oxygen

The following plants function as indoor air-purifiers

Air quality has come down outside due to increased pollution, dust, and soot emissions from an increased number of vehicles. The air quality situation in the national capital region of Delhi is worse. Therefore, the air inside our homes, where people spend most of the time, should be clean and pure.

How do you improve the air quality inside homes? NASA has released a list of indoor air-purifying plants. It said that some kinds of plant species would provide pure oxygen to the inmates.

These plants are listed below:


The Azaleas plants purify the air in kitchens. The plans are the best choice for those who use toxic detergents.

The plant is very dynamic. It removes faecal particles and cigarette smoke from the air. The maintenance of the English ivy plant is very low.

Peace Lily (Spatiphyllum)

The plant can be kept in the laundry or in the bathroom, as it improves the quality of the air there. For the plant to grow, more and more water and sunshine are not needed. Moreover, the flowers of the plant are very beautiful. The Peace Lily helps remove formaldehyde and trichloroethylene. But it is hazardous for pet cats. Therefore, those who grow the plants should take good care of their pets.

Bamboo (Chamadoria seefrigi)

The plant grows up to a height of at least 10 feet. They can be kept in any part of the house. The plant helps remove benzene and trichloroethylene from the surrounding air. Keeping the plant near furniture, from which formaldehyde gases are released, is beneficial.

Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema)

The plant is very powerful at eliminating air pollution and toxic gases from the surrounding air. The plant grows in less light. It also produces berries and flowers.

Aloe (Aloe Vera)

This is a wonderful plant whose cost of maintenance is very low. The plant has many medicinal properties. The plant has vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, and B12. Aloe vera gel is used to treat cuts and burns. Moreover, it purifies the body, promotes digestion, and boosts immunity. It improves skin health. They can be grown in flower pots.


It purifies the air and removes bad smells. It destroys harmful bacteria. Pelargonium Essential oil promotes sleep and enables the smooth functioning of the central nervous system.

Spider plant (Chloropytum comosum)

The plant likes natural sunshine. But it cannot be kept in direct sunlight. It can be used as an ornamental plant in offices. The plant needs no maintenance. It removes carbon monoxide from the kitchen.

Rubber plant (Ficus elastica)

The rubber plant, compared to other plants, needs less sunshine and less temperature. Of all the plants in the Ficus group, the rubber plant is the most powerful. It is the best way to remove toxins and pollutants.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

The plant would be very active at night. It absorbs the carbon dioxide and releases oxygen at night. It helps people catch up with their sleep. It can be kept in a bedroom or in any room where there are carpets. It removes the formaldehyde released from wooden furniture and carpets.

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