Categories: TOP STORIES

Reservation in IT Offices?

You have heard about reservations in colleges and government jobs, but are wondering what these reservations in IT offices are. Are you confused if these reservations are for appointments or any other issues? Here is the answer to all your doubts. Due to Corona virus, the IT company offices have witnessed radical changes with most of them thinking innovatively to cut down their operational costs to reduce losses. Hence, some of them came up with a new idea of reserving your seat in your IT Company.

Following three waves of Covid-19, employees have stopped coming to office and the Work-from-Home (WFH) has become the much sought-after phenomenon as they confined themselves to their respective homes for last two years. There were reports that the WFH culture has improved employee performance. Hence, a high percentage of companies continued to have a WFH approach even after the Corona virus cases dropped significantly, to reduce their operating costs.

In this context, many companies in Hyderabad are reducing the size of their office spaces and are trying to operate in lesser space than before. Companies with a capacity of 1,000 seats in the past have scaled down their seating capacity to less than 200 seats. Under these circumstances, if anyone wants to come to the office and work, they have to reserve a seat in advance. As a result, seats are reserved for those who want to work from their office spaces. The rest of the staff are working from their respective homes.

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