Categories: LEGAL

Pet dog can send its owner to jail

Residents of apartment complexes often complain with residents’ association that neighbor’s pets causing them sleepless nights. Some others argue with the association that pets should not be allowed inside lifts especially when students are leaving for school. When the association tries to impose curbs on dogs and other pets for the good of the residents in the complex, an almost clash-like situation is inevitable. In fact, what legal remedy is available to victims in case a pet dog bites apartment dwellers?

If a pet dog bites a person causing injuries to him or her, under Sections 287 and Section 337 of the IPC a criminal case can be registered against the pet’s owner. However, the residents’ welfare association on the pretext of this should not frame rules arbitrarily. Imposing prohibition on pets and barring dogs from entering lifts should not be done as they violate the rights of the residents of the apartment complex. If a pet of a resident of the apartment complex injuries anyone, the owner can be prosecuted. Civil and criminal action can be taken against him. For compensation, FIR can be lodged with the police and a civil case can be filed in court. They can be prosecuted under Section 289 of the IPC. There is scope for sending the owner of the dog to six months in jail.

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