3BHK flats
More people are eyeing 3 BHK than 2 BHK.
Changes in lifestyle
Craving for a spacious house
There have been changes in people’s lifestyle choices after COVID. With growing health consciousness, the need for a spacious home was recognised. This makes it clear that those who once wanted a double-bedroom house now want to stay in a 3-bedroom house. Builders and real estate experts also advise that it is better to get a triple bedroom if the budget allows. In this background, many people prefer a three-bedroom flat. At the same time, builders are constructing more triple-bedroom houses than double-bedroom houses. Most of the projects do not have double-bedroom flats.
If there are double and triple bedroom flats in a project, triple bedroom flats are booked first. Due to the changed priorities after COVID, more and more people want the house to be spacious. Even after the COVID crisis subsided, the demand for work from home did not decrease. Nowadays, employees in many companies are opting for a hybrid approach. If he goes to the office three days a week, he works from home for the remaining two days. Also, in schools and colleges, online education is also going on. Therefore, most people think that having an additional room for their needs is better. As a result, those who buy their own houses and renters are also voting for bigger houses. Due to this, builders are also constructing more of them.
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