
K Vidyadhar Is Re-elected as ITPI Telangana Chairman

Kommu Vidyadhar was elected chairman of the Institute of Town Planners India Telangana Chapter for the second time. Currently, he is working as Director in the DTPC department of Government of Telangana. He is also officiating as RERA member-secretary. Speaking in this connection, Vidyadhar said that the town planners play pivotal role in planned development of urban areas and they have to play their role properly in evolving master plan.
He claims that his responsibility increased manifold with his election as chairman of the ITPI Telangana chapter for the second time. He said that he would strengthen the chapter further to make it useful to the state. Krishna Prasad was elected secretary, Narsimha Ramulu treasurer, Satyanarayana the Billing Committee chairman. Narayana Murthy and other office-bearers were elected to the executive of the ITPI, he said.  In fact, there are over 400 town planners are members of the ITPI Telangana chapter, he added.
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