How puja room should look like?

Besides a hall, bed rooms and a kitchen, there must be a puja room in one’s home. The size of the puja room is directly proportional to the size of the flat. Let us have a peek into the wonderful, eye-catching puja room designs.

· This design is in tune with the South India puja room requirements. It is specially designed with a big door. A small and special room has been designed into a puja room. It has been designed to appeal to the spiritual interests of the inmates.

· This puja room is designed with dominant while colour. In the backdrop, the symbol Om has been designed on the wall impressively. The design is sure to create a lot of positive vibrations.

· It is one more variety of the traditional puja room designs. The door design is awesome. There is small temple in the puja room. White and yellow lights transport the people into spiritual world.

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