
Fresh squabble in gated communities!

  • Gated communities in Hyderabad embroiled in fresh disputes
  • Distrust among RWA committees
  • Only 3-4 problematic members ruin RWA committees
  • Elders must guide problematic members
  • Say no to ego, resolve issues through dialogue

New problems are emerging in many gated communities in Hyderabad. If some developers are causing trouble in some communities without completion of the projects as per schedule, the buyers have become a headache for the builders in other communities. Further, residents are divided into two factions and are indulging in squabbles in some more communities. After formulation of RERA, the developer is mandated to form the residents’ welfare association which is triggering avoidable problems in some communities.

There is a strange situation in the construction sector of Hyderabad. Several builders are not completing the flats, causing much agony to buyers who have invested their hard-earned money. Builders who are fighting against all odds – Corona pandemic and rising construction costs among others to complete the projects, are facing problems from some trouble-makers. Some buyers are intentionally causing trouble and creating ruckus over one facility or the other, following which both developers and fellow residents are suffering.

Messy Community @ Miyapur

A builder developed a large gated community in HUDA Mayuri Nagar layout in Miyapur where land prices were higher than Madhapur before the advent of Hitec City. Soon after the project was started a few years ago, the then government announced that Asia’s largest bus terminal would be developed within a short distance from this project site. Thus, the builder promised to construct multiplex and hospital within the gated community. But, the then government shelved the bus terminal project and with bad market conditions, the builder could not immediately take up construction of the multiplex and the hospital. However, without consulting the developer and obtaining clarity in this regard, some residents have hung flexi banners against the builder in their balconies. As a result, the builders could not sell flats temporarily.

The developer can fulfill his promises only when he can sell the remaining flats. But with some residents hanging flexi banners, the gated community had drawn a negative attention following which there was a temporary setback in sale of flats. The trouble-making buyers appear to have forgot that the builder can sell his flats even after a couple of years, but their foolish act led to a drop in the value of flats in their gated community. Prospective buyers did not come forward to purchase flats put up for the second sale. A sensible Residents’ Welfare Association (RWA) should learn lessons from such issues and hold discussions with the respective builder to resolve the issue. The members should remember that there is no use in putting flexi banners in such a manner.

Construction in phased manner!

The construction of integrated townships or gated communities is undertaken on a large scale. Generally, they are developed in 50 or 100 acres, in a phased manner. It is a common knowledge that it will take some time to complete the phase-wise work in such projects. Hence, the residents of all phases should understand the difficulties in completing such massive projects. Just because villas are built in the first phase, it is not right to insist for construction of only villas in the last phase as well. One should not cause trouble to the developers who undertakes construction works depending on the market condition. Considering the prevailing situation, the RWA should discuss with the builder and prefer to solve the problem. Since the value of plots in the market today is more than the price of a villa bought ten years ago, everyone should be respected. One should think about how a developer struggles to sustain a community. So, instead of divisiveness, one should focus on addressing the problems.

Chaos in RWA committee

A new gated community in Erragadda has been registered under the Co-operative Society. But soon after the new RWA committee was formed, a conflict started among its members. The struggle for supremacy started between the two factions. Usually at the beginning of a new gated community, there are misconceptions and suspicions among the committee members. However, they will all settle down over a period. People from North India think a bit aggressively, while those from Southern states act slowly. The community is divided into two or three groups. In such cases, all the elders of the respective community should sit down to discuss and focus on solving these differences and prevailing problems rather than fighting among themselves.

Things to do

  •  Some builders have good reputation in the market. Residents’ Welfare Associations should act judiciously so as not to tarnish it. Problems should be resolved across the table. Writing negative reviews on the internet is of no use. Similarly, if some people write online reviews about problems in a community, the demand for properties in such gated community drops. While those who spread the false propaganda move out from such a community, a large percentage of resident who are permanent residents will suffer the consequences. As a result, it could take around 10 years to address the issues and become a good community. So if buyers frantically write online reviews and spread rubbish on WhatsApp, the reputation of the respective communities will suffer.
  •  As far as posible, the RWA committee should focus on problem solving by discussing it with the builder. Reputed builders always strive for brand image and will try their best to address the problems faced by their buyers.
  •  If flexi banners are displayed against the builder, it will be a bit difficult for the developer to sell the flats. The builder might face a temporary setback, but he/she can always dispose off these flats later. Customers will not hesitate to buy these flats if the construction is in progress. Hence, the RWA committees should negotiate with the builder to resolve the issues as much as possible.
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