Marketing is a game aimed to create awareness. To sell a product or a house, it has to be marketed first. One can attract customers through appropriate advertising. While marketing or sales is just one side of a coin, the real challenge lies in delivering the product as promised. The brand value of a tradesman or builder depends on delivering the product as per schedule or within a specific deadline.
One consumer trusts another consumer. No matter how much you advertise and no matter how many offers you give, the consumer will always trust the words of your previous consumer. It means that the current customer of a company can influence the company’s future. When a customer genuinely says that certain company is very reliable and will deliver on time, it will provide a bigger publicity to a company than an advertisement worth crores of rupees. The sales that appear to be impossible despite good marketing and advertising, come from the trusted customer’s word of mouth. The words of one customer that the company is very reliable, their team is efficient and well known in the market, will surely increase the confidence of another customer. The more such customers a company can acquire, the faster it will rise to the top. Then, the company which gains good reputation in the market, does not require any special marketing.