A record-breaking apartment deal has recently taken place in the country. An ultra-luxury penthouse with an area of 16,290 square feet in DLF Camellias, Gurugram, was sold for Rs 190 crores. Rishi Parti, Director of Info-X Software Technology Private Limited, purchased this penthouse by paying the staggering amount. The transaction, registered on December 2, incurred a stamp duty of Rs 13.30 crores.
Delhi and Mumbai have become the most expensive cities in India in terms of real estate. Moreover, in terms of prices and luxury offerings, Gurugram has surpassed Delhi and Mumbai. In October last year, an 11,000 square foot apartment on Golf Course Road in DLF The Camellias, Gurugram, was resold for Rs 114 crores, translating to a price of Rs 1.03 lakh per square foot. This was recognised as the most expensive deal at the time.
In 2014, a bare-shell unit in the same project was sold at Rs 22,500 per square foot, and now its price has risen several times. Abhishek Kiran Gupta, CEO of CRE Matrix, commented that the latest deal reinforces the idea that luxury housing in India is not limited to just Delhi and Mumbai. He also mentioned that luxury housing transactions have significantly increased over the past three to four years, with real estate continuing to be a leading investment choice for affluent Indians.
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