
No scientific reasoning to bring out GO 69?

Based on the studies done by the experts over the years, the previous governments have implemented GO 111. But without any study, the Telangana Municipal department is now saying that they will repeal this GO and allow constructions in the area. Only the powers that be know whether the State government conducted a scientific study that convinced it to repeal the GO 111 and if so, why is the Municipal Department not disclosing such a crucial report.

People are questioning how reasonable is it for Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao to say that there is no need for Gandipet water, which is supplied at a nominal cost, as against Krishna and Godavari River water supply which is highly dependent on electricity. It may be noted that before giving its final verdict regarding GO 111, the Supreme Court sought and studied many expert reports. But no such scientific study has been done so far to cancel GO 111.

Farmers appear to have already sold about 90 percent of the land in GO 111 area, and currently only 10 percent of the land is in the hands of the locals. Hence, the removal of GO 111 will directly benefit only the investors and not the local public. Experts agree that it is not the right decision to destroy Hyderabad which is the heart of Telangana State, just for the sake of vote politics. Experts opine that it does not make sense to put the State capital in danger, just to benefit some people. It is also suggested that for financial benefit of the farmers living in GO 111 villages, the government should think innovatively and initiate new schemes. Otherwise, Hyderabad faces a flood threat like Benguluru or Mumbai. At a time when all the roads are turning into streams to slightest rain, it is feared that if the construction of houses is allowed in 66,000 acres, the situation will only worsen in the future. Just like Mumbai which is inundated whenever it rains, experts feel that similar sitution will arise in Hyderabad if constructions are allowed in GO 111 area villages.

Real estate agents celebrate

The news reports that GO 111 area will be developed as a green city, has brought new excitement to the real estate agents. With this, all of them swung into action and held talks with the local farmers already. Accordingly, the land prices were hiked by Rs 1-2 crore per acre and efforts are on to sell the available land. Moreover, it is known that those who have already bought land in that area are increasing the prices. However, it will take a year and a half to develop this green city. And in such cases, only those who are voted to power in the next elections will decide the fate of these villages and eventually Hyderabad.

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