
Beware of Shell Companies in Realty

  • Rs 1.75 crore looted from public holding fake luxury project as the bait
  • Kingpin nabbed in the four-year-old fraud case

Apart from pre-launch of real estate project frauds, several persons, with a view to earn easy money, are out to dupe people exploiting their own house dream.Two promoters of a shell company were apprehended by the Delhi police for defrauding customers to the tune of Rs 1.75 crore promising them luxury flats and vanishing into thin air. In fact, there was no land or the real estate project. Moreover, the company was non-existing. In a 2017 case, the kingpin behind the fraud was nabbed by the Delhi police.

According to the police, Sanjeev Kumar Mavi hatched a plot in 2016-17 along with his brother-in-law Pavan Bhadana to dupe the home buyers. For the purpose, with the help of his friend Ravi Shukla, he created a shell company Dreamland Promoters and Consultants Private Limited. Later, he launched a fake project titled – The Willows Luxury Apartments.

He collected Rs 1.75 core from customers. Later, he closed down the office in Ghaziabad and fled away with the public money. On a complaint, the police registered a case. The police managed to nab Pavan and Shukla, but Mavi is still eluding the police. The police even announced a reward of Rs 25,000 on Mavi’s head. On a tip off that Mavi is taking shelter in Mumbai, the Delhi police went there and nabbed him. The police, at a media conference, alerted the people to not to walking into the trap of fake real estate projects.

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