Categories: TOP STORIES

What all you can do with rainwater

Without water, no living creature can survive. It is impossible to imagine what the situation would be like if there was no water for a day. And the more we conserve that precious water, the more it conserves us. Every drop of water should be used efficiently and not wasted. There are many benefits to harvesting rainwater for this purpose. Even if you want to use water carefully or reduce your water bill, rainwater harvesting is the right way to do it. Although this water is not used for drinking, by using it for some simple tasks, both water and money can be saved. They are as follows:

Watering the plants…

The benefits of using rainwater to water your garden plants are threefold. This water is much better than tap water. It contains less salt, less chlorine, less fluoride, and less calcium. This water is very good for plants. Even if you have to spend some money in the beginning for the rain harvesting system, there is no need to hesitate in this matter, as the benefits will be greater in the future.

Car wash…

Rainwater is also ideal for washing your car. Using your rainwater for this task will keep your vehicle clean without worrying about your water bills. However, this water needs to be filtered enough to wash a car.

Flushing the toilets…

Older toilets require more than nine litres of water to flush once. Modern toilets require more than 3 litres of water to flush. In this context, using rainwater to flush toilets can save water and water bills significantly.

Washing clothes…

Another wonderful use of rainwater is washing clothes. This saves about 10,000 litres of normal water per year. That means huge cost savings.

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