
Warangal Property Show.. Dont Trap In False Promises

  • Visitors advised against not walking into trap of false promises
  • The Smart City campaign no longer a USP
  • Compare flat rates with 2017 rates
  • Did prices of property in a region escalate?
  • How many IT units have been set up in Warangal?
  • How many got employment in them?
  • customers be careful of false propaganda

Developers tend to increase the price of the sft while taking part in events like property shows to dupe customers and to recover the expenses incurred in taking part in the event. It is important to note that all developers are like this, but only a fraction of the tribe. The prospective customers should choose only sincere and committed realtors for buying properties. Some realtors will resort to publicity as if some wonder is going to place in a region or two from perspective of development. The customers should be prohibited from walking into such trap. Warangal city holds example for the real estate developers tricks to trap the middle class customers.

The customers are advised against buying flats or plots at a remote area on the grounds of attractive and cheap price. Several builders in the city have hiked the prices of plots and flats making customers believe that an airport is going to come in Mamunuru near Warangal and sold them to middle classes. Some others lured the middle classes to their venture hiking up land promises saying that a textile park is going to come in the area. The realtors sold plots to innocent and gullible investors. Under any circumstances, the customers should not walk into the trap set by dreams’ merchants.

The developers would try to hoodwink the gullible customers saying that Smart City is on the cards and also the Heritage City and even try to win the confidence of the customers that these projects are truly coming up as their DPRs are ready. GOs and DPRs are a matter of routine for the state administration. The prospective customers are required to corner the builders making false promises to sell the projects on the basis of GOs and DPRs. The intelligent buyer should compare the land prices between now and the prices that were in 2017. A final call should be taken only on comparison of the prices and growth. The executives of various stalls will claim that their project is unique confusing the customers. They will not be able to judge who is correct and who is not. Therefore, they are required to gather some basic information about the property show prior to visiting it.

  • The points to keep in mind are whether the particular builder would be able to build projects qualitatively or not? First, find out this aspect. You need not move the earth for it. Relevant information can be gleaned from the Google reviews. It will share the experiences of the customers of the project.
  • Using Google Maps the customers are required to check the exact location of the project. It will clear doubts about the proximity of the project to the promised landmark. It is customary for the sales personnel to claim that the project is very close to important landmarks in Hyderabad city like Madhapur or Gacchi Bowli.
  • Some realtors manage local bodies somehow or the other to get building permission for lands entangled in legal problems. The customers will know about the legal problem only after sometime. Several customers have been duped in this regard by various builders. Therefore, the prospective customers should find out legal clearance. If necessary, the customers should consult lawyer to find out whether the property is embroiled in legal problems or not. First, find out in whose name the land is registered. They are also required to find out whether there is any agreement between the site owner and real estate developer or not.
  • Prior to visiting the property show, the prospective buyers should have clarity on the amount they are going to invest in flat or plot. They should have an idea of how much EMI they are required to pay in case of availing themselves loan from bankers. Then only, the customers will be able to take a decision on buying property.
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