
upgrade NAC status to a construction varsity

    • Experts committee submits report to Government

An expert committee appointed by the government suggested upgrading the National Academy of Construction (NAC), which offers various skill development and skill upgradation courses pertaining to construction sector and real estate industry, located in Madhapur near Hyderabad to that of a university.

The state government has appointed a high-level committee to study feasibility of upgrading the NAC status to that of a university. R and B secretary was made chairman of the committee, that has NAC Director General as member-secretary, three persons from CREDAI, two from Builders’ Association and one from Confederation of Indian Industry as members. The committee submitted its report to the government very recently. The committee studied the organizations in Singapore and Malaysia devoted to construction sector and recommended establishment of similar organizations here. The NAC has all qualifications to upgrade it to the status of a university. The NAC has both lands and funds available with it for setting up the varsity.

Out of the 40-acre NAC campus, 20 acres of land is sufficient to set up the university in the campus. It suggested starting five B Tech courses in Advanced Construction Technology, School of Digital Construction, School of Real Estate Business Management, School of Sustainable Construction, School of Urban Planning. The university should offer admission to overseas students too. A senior officer felt that the current Civil engineering courses are not in tune with the adoption of modern technology in construction sector.
NAC Director-General Bikshapati said that a report has been submitted to the state government in this regard. He said that as and when government approves the report a comprehensive project report would be prepared and submitted to the government.
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