
sustainable wood housing is the solution

Eco Friendly Wooden House..

In India though building with wood is still in its nascent stage, adherence to the systems and best practices will help overcome the inexperience and add to the understanding and execution of successful projects. Canadian Wood helps with technical assistance, sourcing of wood and handholding as we have effectively done in the past. Above all, today eco-friendly building using sustainably sourced lumber is an obligation to our children’s future and no longer a choice. – Peter Bradfield, Technical Advisor, 

Pranesh Chhibber

Share best Practices..

The challenge faced by developers in India is the lack of sufficient local skill sets in terms of designing and building with wood. This is where Canadian Wood steps in to help and assist them by connecting them with expertise available in India and Canada. As such with best practices being shared with local expertise, we also see a lot of interest in doing new resorts being done and planned in wood. Canada is the world leader in Certification and Sustainable Forest Management. – Pranesh Chhibber, Country Director – Canadian Wood 

Manohar Reddy

New Age Solution

“Wood housing is the new-age solution for not only maintaining ecological and environmental balance but also for sustainable business practices. Modern-day living is very stressful for both humanity and the environment. Keeping in mind the impact concrete creates on global temperatures, we must shift to wooden housing as a measure to save us from the already evident climate change. Wooden housing technology has been a focus area of research for the past 30 years.
– Manohar Reddy, President of TiE- Hyderabad And Conference Chair – TiE Sustainability Summit 2021

Nadira Hamid

Paradigm shift in constructing houses

The buildings sector accounts for at least a third of all energy related carbon emissions worldwide. In such a scenario, wood is renewable and recyclable, and just the apt sustainable intervention that is needed today in the housing sector. The traditional use of wood in constructing houses has been prevalent for centuries in India. We have just forgotten how to use it! The partnership between MAK Projects and Forest Innovation Investment India (FII India) is an indication of the paradigm shift in constructing houses in India. – Ms.Nadira Hamid, CEO, Indo Canadian Business Chamber 

Birad Rajaram Yajnik

Must protect the environment

Wood houses amazingly provide a negative carbon footprint, definitely a way forward for the future. We need to adopt these methods of construction to protect the environment for the future of our children and the world. The climate change conversation has gained momentum in the last few years with all industries and sectors consciously working towards reducing the carbon footprint. – Birad Rajaram Yajnik, Curator, Mahatma Gandhi Digital Museums

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