Categories: TOP STORIES

Some realtors coin Australian teak plants ‘scheme’ to cheat public

  • Their objective is to collect full amount from people
  • They would not mind luring people to collect money
  • Their goal is to mislead the customers
  • If anyone mounts pressure on them
  • they would not hesitate returning the amount
  • They will run the show in thisfashion as long as it is possible

Some fraudsters have learned the technique of earning money quickly by duping the gullible customers. Feeling the pulse of some persons, the fraudsters have realised that the people will not hesitate to buy property if the price quoted is low. Similarly, they would not hesitate to invest money in their projects upon luring them with high rates of interests on their investments. Adopting this method of conning the people, several real estate agents have donned the role of realtors and looting the money from public and passing time stating that they are yet to get permissions from civic body to start construction.

The people have become somewhat sensitized about the pre-launch sales of the plots. Changing their coats, the perpetrators of irregularities have come out with new offers of giving rent to the flats booked by the customers every month ranging from Rs 10,000 to Rs 25,000. Taking advantage of social media, they are offering a rent of Rs 10,000 to Rs 25,000 per month if anyone buys plots in their project under prelaunch sales.

When Real Estate Guru dug deep into the issue of offer of giving rent for 100 months to those who booked plots in the projects of suspected reputation, the realtors are saying that if any one buys two guntas or five guntas of land from them, they will gift 10 Australian teak plans (for two guntas of land) and 25 Australian teak plants (for 5 guntas of land). The realtors promise guaranteed income to the customers. Does Hyderabad atmosphere suitable for teak plants to grow?

Depending on the strength of the soil, the teak plants would grow up to 60 feet to 100 feet. It is possible only under the supervision of the experts. Moreover, it would take at least 10-12 years for the purchasers of land to get returns. On experimental basis, some have planted the Australian teak saplings. Noticing this, the fraudsters have kicked off new scheme offering Australian teak plants to those who purchase the land. Moreover, they promise monthly returns. They are also floating new ventures. In Jadcherla, a realtor launched similar scheme to loot hard earned money from the public. It is always advisable not to give credulence to such fraudulent offers.