
Solution to ‘Dharani’ issues, within control of CS

  • The government made a huge mistake
  • But farmers and developers are undergoing punishment
  • No end to ‘Dharani’ problems!
  • Developers face new challenges after paying crores of rupees for land

A farmer Ramaiah from Kollur, owns 20 acres of land that he inherited from his ancestors. Recently, he sold 10 acres to one Srilatha. The officials also issued a passbook after the land registration. But her name is missing from the land records of the Dharani website. As a result, the developers, who bought the land based on the pass book, are now running from pillar to post.

People have no role in natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes. The Coronavirus too entered this country, from other countries. But the Dharani issues were created by our own people. Farm land owners as well as those who purchased from them, are both suffering due to the callousness of the officials in addressing the mistakes committed by the government. If there is a court case pending related to a small piece of land in a survey number, the entire survey number is being categorized and blocked under the legal disputes category. As a result, both developers as well as revenue officials are forced to visit the courts unnecessarily.

Even if all the records pertaining to the land were kept in order and repeated requests were made to the Joint Collectors or to the Additional Collectors, there is no visible progress. Most of these unnecessary disputes are being attributed to the involvement of local politicians.

Many developers are ready to start villa projects in the suburbs of Hyderabad. But the issues pertaining to ‘Dharani’ website and its land records, has become a huge obstacle for them. Due to delay in delivery of passbooks, the realtors are not unable to sign development agreements with the land owners. There is an urgent need for the State government to take steps and resolve the Dharani related issues. In fact, a large number of developers are of the opinion that Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar can easily resolve the Dharani related issues, if he is willing to take the initiative. They are suggesting that if there is any problem in Dharani records, the power to resolve these issues should be vested in the District Collectors. They feel that such actions can easily resolve the majority of the issues pertaining to land records.
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