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Show occupancy certificate or pay penalty

Occupying the buildings in the absence of the Occupancy certificate would mean attracting heavy fines by Nasik Municipality

The Nashik Municipal Corporation has decided to crack the whip on those who occupy buildings without procuring the occupancy certificate. The fines are not applicable to buildings whose plinth area is less than 600 sft. 50 per cent of the annual property tax for buildings ranging in area between 600 sft and 1000 sft would be imposed as fine. Annually, the occupiers of the buildings would have to pay the fines till they obtain the OC.

For buildings measuring 1001 sft and above, two times their annual property tax would be levied as fine for not securing the occupancy certificate. As per rules, builders upon completion of the construction should acquire the BCCs. But, many reside in the buildings without procuring the BCCs. In the light of this, the general body of the Nashik Municipal corporation took a decision to impose fines for not securing occupancy certificates.  The corporation officials are keen to bring such properties under the purview of the tax.

The officials say that they have kept an eye on such properties, whose number is put at over 20,000. The officials say that they will collect the fines from the date of starting the project.

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