
Will scientists’ joint report give a new phase of life to two reservoirs in Hyd?

Scientists joint report to protect Twin reservoirs in Hyderabad.

GOMs 111 not just prohibited industries, pollution and constructions in the catchment buffer area of 10kms, but also explicitly permitted agriculture, horticulture and floriculture. Government of Telangana instead of encouraging chemical-free farming and strengthening. GO111 implementation actually tore the protective gear and opened up the area for all sorts of activities that were prohibited. Thus GO Ms 69 was issued by government on 12.4.2022 that did away with all protection afforded to the catchment area buffer zone of Osman Sagar and Himayat Sagar reservoirs through GO Ms 111. This opened around 1,32,000 acres covering 84 villages listed in GO111 in the 10 kms buffer zone for all the prohibited activities such as industries, buildings, hotels, malls, etc.

It shocked Hyderabadis as the act of removing prohibitions was not substantiated at all and the reports that government kept assuring since 2016 never came. The current planetary crisis, flood mechanisms on Musi river, were never talked of by the government. Whereas the GO Ms 111 had five scientific reports to be based upon along with the Supreme Court judgement of 2000, GO Ms 69 beggared for single one. Can a cabinet decision undo a GO that too backed by Supreme Court order and five scientific expert reports? Thus, Hyderabadis mooted for People’s Scientific Committee that can give expert report on ‘Repeal of GO 111’. Three scientists namely Dr K Baburao, Sagar Dhara, Dr B Rama lingeswwara Rao, agreed to give a joint report which is released today 24.09.2023.

Below excerpts from Chapter 7 under section titled ‘Suggested Measures’:

Following the Principle of Public Trust, Precautionary Principle, Equity and Inter generational responsibility in relation to common property resources, the following measures are suggested by the People’s Scientific Committee, to be implemented for the GO 111 area:

Recognizing Osman Sagar and Himayat Sagar reservoirs as “living beings’’ with rights and responsibilities: This could be done through a legislative act or a government resolution. The act or resolution would need to define the rights and responsibilities of the reservoirs, catchment areas, and establish a mechanism for enforcing these rights and responsibilities.

Compensating farmers and farm workers in the GO 111 area for sequestering CO2 and for crop yield losses due to Hyderabad city’s pollution: The Telangana Government could establish a carbon sequestration compensation program for farmers and farm workers in the GO 111 area. The program could pay farmers and farm workers a per-acre fee for sequestering CO2 in their soil. The government could also provide financial assistance to farmers and farm workers who experience crop yield losses due to Hyderabad city’s pollution.

Ensuring that the per capita state investment on social services for all residents, including farmers, farm workers, and other residents in the GO 111 area is the same as that for Hyderabad residents: The Telangana Government could allocate a specific budget for social services in the GO 111 area. The government could also establish a committee to oversee the distribution of these funds, and to ensure that all residents of the GO 111 area have equal access to these social services.

Implementing the December 2000 Supreme Court order against the AP High Court order and in favour of APPCB that upheld GO 111: The Telangana Government could take steps to ensure that all existing and future activities in the GO 111 area comply with the Supreme Court order. This could include establishing a monitoring committee to oversee activities
in the area, and to take action against any violations of the Supreme Court order.

Issuing a GO promulgating a freeze of the current land use in the GO 111 area:

The Telangana Government could issue a GO freezing the current land use in the GO 111 area. This would prevent any further activities that could harm the Osman Sagar and Himayat Sagar reservoirs or their catchment areas. Removing all air, water polluting, and solid waste sources, in the GO 111 area, except those residences that comply with GO111, and ensuring that no sewage and solid waste should enter the Osman Sagar and Himayat Sagar reservoirs: The Telangana Government could take steps to identify and remove all air, water polluting, and solid waste sources, in the GO 111 area, except those residences that comply with GO 111. Government should ensure compliance of Solid Waste Management Rules – MoEF, as well as explore all the available alternative sewage methodologies that do not necessitate pipe-laying and STPs.

Inspecting the dams of the Osman Sagar and Himayat Sagar reservoirs and, if necessary, strengthening them so that the risk of dam burst and dam leakage are within acceptable norms:

The Telangana Government could commission a safety inspection of the dams of the Osman Sagar and Himayat Sagar reservoirs. The inspection should be carried out by a team of qualified engineers. If the inspection reveals any weaknesses in the dams, the government should take steps to strengthen them.

Desilting the Osman Sagar and Himayat Sagar reservoirs and removing encroachments:
The Telangana Government could desilt the Osman Sagar and Himayat Sagar reservoirs and remove any encroachments inside the reservoirs and remove GO111 non-compliant structures in the catchment areas. This will help to increase the storage capacity of the reservoirs and reduce the risk of flooding.

Encouraging non chemical farming in the GO 111 area: The Telangana Government could provide subsidies to farmers and farm workers in the GO 111 area who switch to nonchemical farming practices. The government could also help to market non-chemical produce from the GO 111 area.

The countries with domestic ecocide laws are:

France (2021), Georgia (1999), Armenia (2003), Ukraine (2001), Belarus (1999), Ecuador (2008; 2014), Kazakhstan (1997), Kyrgyzstan (1997), Moldova (2002), Russia (1996), Tajikistan (1998), Uzbekistan (1994), Vietnam (1990). It is high time India enacted an act against ecocide and joined the global effort to prevent ecocide.

Lakes should not be treated as a piece of land holding water. Separate survey numbers that give lakes and reservoirs an identity of their own should be created. Himayat Sagar and Osman Sagar reservoirs should be given a new legal identity.

The impact of urbanization of the GO111 area on the massive reduction in the yield of water in Musi River should be recognized and to revive the river to meet the water needs of the state of Telangana either reinstate GO111 or enact stronger protections.

Sustainable, chemical-free agriculture to be introduced and encouraged in the GO111 area. Its proximity to the city gives immense scope for producing vegetables, fruits, and flowers.

Further growth of Hyderabad city causes a decline in the quality of life environmentally, economically, and socially. We have to shift from big is better to small is beautiful and avoid the problems of large megapolis.

Use MNREGA to create green jobs to do water shed management, land shaping where necessary, restitute degraded lands, do reforestation, prevent air pollution, set up solar energy parks, etc., in the GO 111 area. This will help in a just energy transition that India requires.

Telangana government must take due cognisance of this report and promptly repeal GOMs 69 dt 12.4.2022 and strengthen implementation of GO Ms 111 in its true spirit. As assured the People’s Scientific Committee Report on Repeal of GO 111 shall be submitted to the Government of Telangana, to the High Court at Hyderabad and to the Supreme Court of India. The soft copy shall be made available in public domain.

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