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LED – best way to lit up your rooms

It’s natural for one to want to lit up their dream home. But many people do not dare to take a leap forward fearing huge electricity bills. However, LED lights have emerged as a best option got not only fill the homes with ample light, but also reduce the power bills.

The use of LED lights has increased exponentially over the last four-five years. Chandeliers and walls in the house as well as gates and streets outside, LED lights are being used everywhere. Street lamps with sensors are widely available in the market. At present, India is among the major producers of LED lights along with countries like Korea, China, Japan and Taiwan. Companies like Philips, Bajaj, Wipro, Osram, and Jaguar are selling LED bulbs/lights in the market. Some of them are even selling LED designer lights.

Not costly at all

Many people think that LED lights are expensive. Though the initial investment is a bit high, people can significantly reduce the number of lights used and also their power bills. Plus, they do not need massive and power consuming lights. As a result, one can beautifully decorated their home using just a few small LED bulbs. The uniqueness of these LED lights is that you need not bother about them for four-five years after purchasing them. LEDs emit high light due to the presence of reflectors.

LED bulbs used in our homes are usually available up to 20 watts. Prices range from around Rs 200 to Rs 7,000 depending on the capacity, size and type of LED. They are available at 24, 36 and 48 watts for usage in offices and hospitals. For this, you have to shell out around Rs 5000 to Rs 15,000. Outdoor lights can be of 20, 40, 80 watts capacity. They are available from around Rs 4,000. The important thing to note here is that prices vary depending on the company brand and type of LED. One can find LED lights for a lesser price in the market, but you have to ascertain their quality before purchasing them.

Best LED lighting for each room

<div class=”point”>As the hall size of the house is large, multiple 12 watt LED bulbs can be fitted. Usually the price starts from Rs 500 for each bulb. If a branded company, you might have to pay upto Rs 1200. In a hall of 15/10 sq.ft or 20/12 sq.ft size, about eight bulbs of 12 watts would be required to give ample light. So, installation of eight branded LEDs would cost around Rs 9,600.</div>

<div class=”point”> The 12 watts bulbs are also apt for bedrooms with varying sizes of 10/10 sq.ft, 12/10 sq.ft, 14/10 sq.ft or 14/12 sq.ft. However, one might have to fix upto four LED bulbs in each bedroom. If it is a two-bedroom house, one might have to pay Rs 9,600 considering four bulbs per each bedroom.</div>

<div class=”point”> The kitchen needs more lighting. So, two LED bulbs of 15 watts capacity each should be installed. Each bulb could cost Rs 1,400 each i.e. a total of Rs 2,800.</div>

<div class=”point”> The bathrooms would require 6 watts bulbs, one watt bulbs at wash basin and other places in the balconies as well as other places.</div>

Benefits of LED (box)

<div class=”point”> Better light which is easy on eyes
Less electricity bills
A home decorated with lights as per your desire</div>

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