Landlords turned Builders greedy

Some site owners who want to give their land for development are in the grip of greed. They are prepared to give their land for development to those builders who agree to build more floors. They are least bothered about important facts like whether the builder would be able to execute the project and deliver the flats on time? This brand of site owners are more bothered about how many flats the builder is going to give them and how much advance the builder pays to them.

Some members of their tribe went one step forward and find no rationale in giving their site for development to realtors. Instead, they have themselves donned the role of a developer and executing the apartment complex projects by appointing civil engineers with view to sell the apartments in pre-launch offers. In the process, they are committing blunders in execution of the project.

Site owners-turned-builders, who do not have any experience in executing such projects, would not trust the experienced civil engineers, are ignorant about what to do when are bent on posing problems to the buyers. The over greedy site owners have been tarnishing the image of the realty sector. Therefore, anyone who is prepared to buy flats from such builders should think twice before going ahead with their decision.

If they compromise on price now, they would have to face pain all through their life. That is why, those who are going to buy flats should find out the background of the builder to verify facts like how many apartments did the builder built in the past? Was he successful in delivering them on time? Then only they should decide whether to buy flats or not? Otherwise, everyone like buyers, vendors, professionals and so on would have to face problems because of the greed of such developers.

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