The Telangana government is set to implement the prestigious Land Reforms Act, “Bhu Bharathi.” The Governor, Jishnu Dev Varma, has given approval for the bill passed in the Assembly. In this context, the Revanth government is making efforts to bring this law into action as soon as possible. Within the next two months, the Telangana government is working on drafting the procedures related to the Bhu Bharathi Act and is preparing to provide improved services to the public.
The previous BRS government’s Revenue Act of 2020 caused numerous problems for the common public and farmers in Telangana. Despite the law being in effect for four years, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy criticized that the necessary procedures were not developed. The Congress government clarified that the implementation of the ROR (Record of Rights) Act of 2020 resulted in widespread land disputes across the state, and there is not a single village in Telangana free from land issues.
The Telangana government believes that the previous government dismantled the revenue system for its own personal gain and benefits. As part of the new efforts, the government has undertaken comprehensive changes to the revenue law to deliver services at the village level. In this context, the government has introduced a new revenue law called “Bhu Bharathi” to replace the Dharani system. Revenue Minister Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy announced that a revenue officer will be appointed to oversee revenue administration in every revenue village.
The government, under the leadership of Indiramma, is working in accordance with the aspirations of the people. The revenue department should function according to the government’s vision, with the aim of bringing the revenue system closer to the people. The government’s decisions and thoughts are centered around the people, and in line with this, officials and staff in the revenue department must work collectively to ensure the public’s satisfaction, as stated by the officials. The government has introduced the Bhu Bharathi Act with the intention of providing better and comprehensive revenue services to the people of Telangana at the earliest.
Officials believe that once the Bhu Bharathi Act is fully implemented in Telangana, land disputes in the state will largely be resolved. With the establishment of revenue tribunals at the MRO, RDO, and Collector levels, the Revanth government claims that from now on, land disputes can be resolved at the official level without the need for the court system. As there will be no changes to the current land registration procedures, experts in the real estate sector have stated that the Bhu Bharathi Act will benefit the real estate sector rather than cause any harm.
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