Categories: TOP STORIES

Illegal constructions? No one dares to stop?

The people in power are

Our close associates…

Be it a conservation zone

Or GO 111 area,

No one stops us.

Collectors, RDOs, and MROs

Come who may, they must listen to us only…

One gets to hear these kinds of dialogues if the builders constructing in the conservation zone or GO 111 areas are bothered. It is because of the government that these builders have become so. Be it KCR or Revanth Reddy, they are in a position to manage them all. They say that state chief ministers and their entourages are like their relatives. They take photos with the people in power and state that they are very close to them. May be this is why villas are being built illegally in GO 111 areas, and no official even cares about it.

During the 10 years of BRS’ rule, many illegal constructions took place in the GO 111 area. Neither the HMDA nor revenue officials have paid much attention. The main reason is that former CM KCR promised to remove GO 111. Moreover, they changed the third paragraph in the GO and released GO 69. With the change in government, are those changes still valid? The Revanth Reddy government should clarify this issue. Congress should take a stand and demolish illegal construction in the GO 111 area. If the villas are being built illegally, why are the district collectors, RDOs, and MROs acting as if it is none of their concern?

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