
How to check FTL, Buffer Zones?

With the Hydra Corridor creating a buzz, homebuyers who wish to fulfill their dream of owning a house must definitely understand FTL (Flood Transit Line) and buffer zones.

When purchasing a house or land, permits from organisations like GHMC, HMDA, municipalities, and DCP are very important. Now, it is crucial to buy properties within the FTL (Flood Transit Line) and buffer zone areas. However, many people blindly trust intermediaries who say that all the necessary permits are in place, only to fall victim to scams. Many buyers end up losing both their money and the property they thought they had purchased, leading them to seek help from the police. Therefore, it is important to be extremely cautious when buying a house or land, especially when it comes to understanding FTL and buffer zones.
The ownership rights of the house or land we intend to purchase are crucial. It is important to verify who the property is registered under, who the legal heirs are, whether there have been any legal cases related to the property, and whether the documents held by the seller are authentic.

Instead of blindly trusting what friends or relatives say, it is essential to double-check the title. You should contact the Tahsildar, Registration office, or Municipal office with the survey number to verify the title status. Even if it costs five or ten thousand rupees, don’t hesitate to consult legal experts for clarity.

It is essential to verify the link documents related to the property. Check whether the person selling the property owns it outright or has inherited it, and whether there are any heirs. If there are heirs, make sure to obtain their signatures. Only after confirming that all the documents are in order should you pay an advance and register the agreement.
Some real estate companies in Hyderabad are offering plots and flats near lake view areas, selling properties at premium prices under the name of “Lake View.” When purchasing properties in such lake view projects, one must be cautious about the FTL (Full Tank Level) and Buffer Zone restrictions. With the aggressive actions of the Telangana government’s HYDRA, it’s important to be extra cautious when dealing with properties near lakes and water resources.
Currently, even with the NOCs issued by the Irrigation Department and approvals from HMDA for layouts and apartments, there are ongoing disputes in the Greater Hyderabad area. In such cases, even if all the permissions are obtained, it is advisable to consult legal experts and double-check the documents and approval statuses.
If the property is within the HMDA jurisdiction, you should check the Master Plan-2030 to see which zone your intended property (house or land) falls into. Avoid purchasing properties in any zone other than the Residential Zone. If your property is near a lake, extra caution is necessary.
Visit the Revenue office to check, based on your property’s survey number, whether it falls under the Full Tank Level (FTL) or Buffer Zone. You can also visit the HMDA’s website at, where you can select the district, mandal, and village, and check all lake-related details based on your survey number.
On the website, you can click on the FTL column (marked in blue), which will open a map showing the extent of the lake’s Full Tank Level and surrounding areas. After that, if you click on the “Cadastre” option, another map will open. This will show the survey numbers under which the lake falls. The blue line on the map indicates the FTL boundary, while the red line marks the Buffer Zone. The lake embankment is marked in orange. Based on this, you can check the proximity of your property, house, or apartment in relation to the lake.
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