Green buildings in 5.5 crore sft

  • Felicitation to 35 Green Crusaders
  • YTDA, IT Towers get IGBC certification
  • Ramky, Vaishnavi, Vivan Groups among Green Crusaders

DTCP regional director Kommu Vidyadhar said that since the formation of Telangana, the State government has been focusing on enhancing greenery. Speaking at the Green Crusade program organised by IGBC in Madhapur recently, he disclosed that if solar water heating and lighting systems are installed in commercial complexes built in an area of more than 1,000 square meters, property tax will be reduced by ten percent. He said that if a sewage treatment facility is installed along with rain water conservation, another 10 percent rebate will be provided. He gave credit to Municipal Administration Minister KT Rama Rao for enacting the municipal laws enabling allocation of 10 percent of the municipal budget for developing greenery in every urban local body. On this occasion, he specially congratulated 35 companies who received green certificates from IGBC. He said that the State government is paying special attention to take necessary decisions to increase green cover in Telangana.

TSIIC Vice Chairman EV Narsimha Reddy said that there is a need to build all IT buildings and residential complexes in accordance with green guidelines. He said that efforts like promotion of electric vehicles (EV) and setting up Raidurgam Skywalk will help in enhancing the greenery. He said that the state government is working with the determination to increase the green cover to 33 per cent from 24 percent in 2014.

The existing structures should focus on getting IGBC Gold rating, he suggested. Abhay Kumar Gupta, Divisional Manager of South Central Railway thanked CII IGBC for awarding Platinum rating to Secunderabad Railway Station for the first time in the country. He said that the Railway department is focusing on modernising the railway stations as well as developing the infrastructure at the airports. IGBC Policy Committee Chairman V Suresh said that so far 40 metro stations and 65 railway stations were registered under green buildings. He said that 21 lakh houses have been registered under the Green Homes, Affordable Housing and Green Residential Society section.

5.5 crore sq.ft of green spaces

At present, around 35 companies have registered 5.5 crore sq.ft of space with the IGBC. All of them built their structures according to green norms. As part of this initiative, a program called IGBC Green Crusaders was organised at IGBC in Madhapur. IGBC has specially encouraged the builders, developers and corporates involved in this.

Developers should come forward

The government is paying special attention to increase green cover in the State. Officials are working hard to undertake sustainable development in the State. The Haritha Haram programme, which is being held regularly, is a fine example of their commitment. I especially appreciate TSIIC for taking the decision to make all their facilities green. Secunderabad Railway Station is the first in the country to receive the Platinum rating. Thanks to the Deccan Railway team for making this possible. Above all, I appreciate many builders and developers in Telangana who are taking green rating certificates. More developers should step up and green every structure. – C Shekhar Reddy, Chairman, IGBC-Hyderabad