
Do you need free power in your house?

The centre brings out a new scheme.

Households are required to pay their electricity bills monthly. We have to pay the bill for the electricity used.

If power is supplied free of cost, one need not pay the power bills every month. How nice would the idea be?

The Centre has introduced a similar scheme for the benefit of the people. Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the scheme “PM Surya Ghar…Muft Bijli Yojna.”

It facilitates the use of 300 units of power every month. As part of the scheme, solar panels would be fixed on the roofs of houses. The householder should use solar power. Out of the captive solar power generated, the surplus power can be sold.

For example, a one-kilowatt-hour capacity solar panel produces, on average, four units of power and 120 units a month. If a householder consumes only 200 units of power a month, the person should fix three-kilowatt-capacity solar panels on the roof. The total cost of fixing the solar panels would be Rs 1.26 lakh. The Centre gives a total subsidy of Rs 18,000 per kilowatt. For three kilowatts, the quantum of subsidy would be Rs 54000. The rest of the amount—Rs 72,000—would have to be borne by the consumer. The Centre provides the subsidy through banks. It also allows for the sale of the surplus power generated, thereby clearing the bank loan. Out of the 360 units generated, the surplus of 160 units would be purchased by electricity agencies.

The power would be connected to the grid through net metering and sold to others. The electricity department buys power at Rs 5.05 per unit. The household earns Rs 808 a month by selling surplus 160 units. Moreover, one can save on electricity bills every month. The householder can pay EMI with the money saved and earned. The power supply would be free of charge.

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