Developing farm plots hits food production?

  • Plea to prohibit farm plot sales

Development of farm lands in agricultural fields by growing green grass and planting saplings will not only affect the food production but also the environment. Acquiring agriculture land for development of farm land purposes and using them for development of real estate promotion instead of practicing agriculture could affect the food production. Who will practice agriculture if realtors develop such ventures in several acres? Who will feed us?

Practicing agriculture commenced about 10,000 years ago. The total amount of cultivable land on earth is only 40%. Food production commensurate with the total population is currently going on. The million-dollar question is whether the people would be able to get healthy food in future. The question would have no answer in the backdrop of developing agriculture fields into farm lands. To find a solution to the problem there is no need for bringing second agriculture revolution opines Principal Architect of the VAID Architects V Suresh Kumar. The first green revolution pertained to the expansion of the cultivation of lands. But, this time the feasibility of the same is ruled out.

Currently, the agriculture lands should be used more effectively. On one hand the bio diversity should be protected and on the other hand pollution and emission of greenhouse gases should be reduced. If necessary, drones should be used to accomplish it. The people should be encouraged to buy more agriculture lands. Agriculture should become lifestyle of the people. Children should be made to think of natural food habits. They should be sensitized on the benefits of mud bathing, Suresh said
He suggested that agriculture should not be abandoned under any circumstances. Till yesterday, the city used to get its supplies of vegetables from the villages on the outskirts. Now the situation has turned for worse as majority of the people abandoned agriculture and thinking in terms of real estate development. The government should encourage people to grow crops and vegetables instead of indulging in real estate

Real estate growth at the cost of food production?

Development of roads and house sites has become a popular vocation nowadays. There would be no signs of any flora and fauna. Moreover, large amount of greenhouse gases would be released into atmosphere. To set it right, planned crops should be developed in a natural layout. Field robots should be employed for spraying fertilizers. The sub-soil sensors gather data on the nutritional status of the lands. The information would be useful in reducing the application of water. Moreover, the farmers would be able to know how much fertilizer to be applied where instead of polluting the soil and environment by mindless application of the fertilizers. In fact, such system is already prevalent; Suresh Kumar said adding that more and more people should practice such systems to derive more benefit.


It is suggested that the main objective should be to get adequate support from the local farmers for the new agricultural system. The people should retain the land use and increase awareness of the local agricultural practices.

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