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CREDAI growing in tune With the Telangana

Minister Harish Rao

Telangana Finance Minister T Harish Rao has expressed happiness over the CREDAI growth on a par with the development of Telangana state. Participating as chief guest in the CREDAI Create Awards distribution function held at HICC auditorium in Hyderabad, the number of CREDAI chapters have increased from 10 to 15. The real estate business is on the rise not only in Hyderabad but also elsewhere in Telangana. New job entrants give their first priority to place of posting in Hyderabad, the minister said quoting a survey. This is attributed to good governance and many more positive aspects for growth in Hyderabad.

The minister termed Hyderabad growth as excellent with the per capita income in the state increasing from Rs 1,24,100 in 2014 to Rs 2,37,632 after seven years. The per capita income of Telangana is higher than that of national per capita income Rs 1,28,829. Quoting a builder as saying, he said, referring to statistics, that the real estate development in Hyderabad is the best.

Similarly, Telangana became number one in per capita power utilization and second at national level. Contrary to apprehensions over land prices crashing in the new state of Telangana and Telangana plunging into darkness for want of power, if statehood to Telangana is realized, the situation in Telangana is far better. Sale of one acre of land in Telangana one can buy three acres in AP. Earlier, there were instances of landlords selling one acre in AP and buying three acres in Telangana.

The districts are expanding. Moreover, agriculture is growing. The financial position of farmers has improved. That is why the CREDAI chapters are also increasing. There have been perceptible changes in the thinking of people on savings. Earlier, they used to save money buying gold and wanted to save money by depositing in banks. Now, they want to buy flats and invest in real estate.

Harish Rao assured CREDAI authorities to resolve the problems pertaining to Dharani portal and TS-bPASS very soon. The number of employees in the IT sector at the time of formation of Telangana was 3,23,398. Their strength has doubled now. The IT units are spreading to districts. Out of 10 IT jobs in the country, three jobs are in Hyderabad. Lastly, he appealed to the CREDAI to adhere to values and win trust of the people. Money is not permanent, while values are permanent. There has been sea change in the thinking patterns of people due to Covid-19. Those who live in apartments wish to have more ventilation in their flats. In tune with this aspiration, the CREDAI should work, he said.

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