Colorful interiors with mirrors?

Home decoration and mirrors are inseparable. In fact, they play significant role in interior decoration. How to use them and where to use them in interior decoration holds the key. The total range of the Sisecam Flat Glass will suit modern designs and provide rich look to interiors. Various shades of this brand of glass formed a key material in interior decoration projects. The mirrors also look elegant and fashionable. As one of the brand leaders in the glass and mirror industry, Sisecam Flat Glass adds value to any space with its range of products. The mirrors are described as a great value addition to any project.

Accurate reflections

Ambiences these mirrors create vary according to colour of the glass. Sisecam Mirror Flotal Ultra Clear Mirrors provide bright, reflections that are similar to real object. These mirrors suit and are helpful in creation a large and bright space. To produce more effect, place the mirror on the wall from edge-to edge. The tinted glass produce expanded images. Sisecam Mirror Flotal E Grey, Sisecam Mirror Flotal E Bronze creates a nice atmosphere with their rich shades.

Eco-friendly glass

Safety is an important feature of the interior decor in places where children or pets are active. Sisecam Mirror Flotal E is manufactured using eco-friendly processes. Silver is plated instead of harmful chemicals like lead and copper. This coating increases lifespan by preventing moisture and thereby rust formation. These glasses are also easy to clean unlike materials like wood. Moreover, it is very easy to clean the dirt on glass.

Choosing the colour

One should keep in his or her mind the color palette of the room while choosing colored glass. Gray glasses are used to fill black and white spaces. Bronze mirrors are the perfect choice for brown or light brown interiors. They also suit shades like blue, pink and cream. Sisecam Mirror Flotal Ultra Clear and Sisecam Mirror Flotal E Clear glasses look great on almost every color palette.

How to decorate walls with glass?

The glass can be cut in different sizes and patterns. They can be arranged like a collage work on the walls. When they are placed in strategic places, they highlight chandeliers. Moreover, the brightness due to fixing coloured mirrors to furniture would have a dynamic impact in the room. The mirrors play a crucial role in enhancing the image of the sites. Rooms having large windows will benefit greatly from Sisecam Mirror Flotal Ultra Clear. These perfectly reflect the natural day light.

Functional benefits

The mirrors now play a great role beyond its normal applications in dressing rooms, bathrooms and wardrobes. Mirror splash backs are easy to clean. They are more moisture resistant. Wall-to-wall full length mirrors are a great tool for dancers and gym goers. The colored mirrors on the back of the show-case cabinet in the stores make the item visible from all sides. In clothing and footwear boutiques, customers can use the mirror to check whether an item fits them or not.

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