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Stop RRR until clarifications are given!

As the population of Hyderabad continues to grow, the city has been expanding on all four sides and the Outer Ring Road (ORR) was developed around it to improve infrastructure. But now efforts are on to develop the 338 km-long Regional Ring Road (RRR) at about 50 km away from Hyderabad. This Greenfield Expressway will be another ring road in addition to the existing 158 km ORR. Thus, Hyderabad will have the unique feature of two ring roads which is unique among metro cities. But there has been no scientific study to prove its necessity around Hyderabad especially in less than 10 years after completing the ORR whose potential is yet to be tapped fully. As such, it is argued that the need for another ring road at a distance of 25 km is untenable.

Densely populated villages full of fertile agricultural lands, structures and houses, will be affected by RRR. It is feared that valuable agricultural lands will be lost due to this project. Lack of sidewalks, cross roads, cycle lanes, street lights, overhead bridges, traffic lights and dividers in the road design makes it fatal for pedestrians. Rural folk using various routes and modes of transport along with the livestock living on both sides of the proposed RRR, will be severely affected. There will be increased pressure on land, forests, water systems, wetlands, grassland ecosystems and other natural resources. Air pollution too will increase as the land is used as per whimsicals. Within 150 km, food production gradually drops to zero. This could have consequences like hunger and nutrition affecting the future generations adversely. Due to expansion of other roads connecting ORR and Hyderabad, lakhs of trees will be removed apart from excavation of hills for soil and rock metal for road constructions, which could lead to destruction of local reservoirs and natural streams. RRR causes more damage than ORR.

* RRR is useful for urbanisation as well as transfer of natural resources from poor to rich. In this context, urban design and zonal regulations should be reviewed. At present, the Telangana government does not have a comprehensive policy towards the transport sector. In this context, some people have asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to suspend all activities related to the RRR Expressway until the following items are completed. Here are the more details from the letter written to the Prime Minister.

* A comprehensive report of the project on RRR should be prepared and made available to the public. Necessary provisions for environmental and forest clearances should be incorporated. At least 80 percent site availability should be focused on. The environmental impacts and damages caused by this project should be included in the DPR.

* Environmental impact should be assessed and communicated to the public. Before the implementation of this project, the social and environmental consequences of the RRR Expressway project should be studied. This will enable people to know the details of environmental implications and make appropriate decisions.

* Telangana government should develop a comprehensive relief and rehabilitation policy regarding land acquisition.

* Financing of green infrastructure, natural resources and ecosystem restoration activities should be initiated and accelerated.

* Distribution of compensation should be facilitated. Displaced families should be helped. Special measures should be taken for the poor and weak. For this purpose, preparation and implementation of timely rehabilitation plans should be monitored.

* As much as possible we should avoid more expatriates. This can be done by exploring alternatives in project design.

* Land Acquisition Act 2013 shall be made applicable whenever land acquisition takes place, rather than using the State Land Acquisition Act, 2017 should not be allowed. Land registration rates should be revised based on consistent laws and procedures.

* RRR requires a specific, visible and accessible grievance redressal mechanism which should be established jointly by the Centre and Telangana government.

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