
Architects authorized to issue OCs?

The DTCP has decided to authorize some architects to give occupancy certificates (OCs). The decision was taken to speed up the issue of giving OCs and to enable the house owner get the OCs very easily. However, apprehensions are being expressed over the practice might lead to irregularities. Fears are being expressed over unauthorized structures getting clearances and architects misusing their power. But, the officials dismiss it as nonsense. They vow to check the building plans and structures whether the latter conformed to the plans or not. In case of violations are detected, action would be taken against the architects responsible for this.

Currently, obtaining OCs has become a time consuming business. Architects first should submit their plans to the DTCP. Officials at various levels inspect the plans and check the plans vis-à-vis the actual structures. After verifying the project whether it conformed to the plan or not, then it will issue the OC. Sometimes, it takes several months to issue the OC. In this backdrop, the officials have decided to give the authority to architects to issue the OCs.

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