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Who is responsible for delay in issue of the OC?

The occupancy certificate is called OC by developers. Having bought a property, to take possession of it, OC is essential. In its absence, the delivery of the flat or property gets delayed. In fact, without OC occupying the flat is ruled out. Therefore, differences are cropping up between builders and buyers for want of the certificate. What are the reasons behind the delay in issue of the OC? Who should be held accountable in this regard?

Generally speaking, the accusing finger is pointed towards the builders. Because builders are required to complete paper work. If the paper work gets delayed or the project is not built as per the approved plan, securing the OC will be delayed. Sometimes, lackadaisical attitude on the part of the officials delays the issue of the OC.


Officials refused to give the OC to a structure in Mumbai recently. Since the project did not get environmental clearance, the officials refused to give the OC. The officials did not pay heed to the contention of the developer who told the officials that he had complied with all formalities. He moved the court, which gave its decision favour of the developer. In some instances, in spite of having all approvals, the negligence of the officials delays the issue of the OC. The process to issue OC is a long-drawn process. The lengthy process also causes delay sometime. Ultimately, it will affect the buyer.

The delay in the issue of OC prevents buyers from occupying flats, and leaves the buyers in tension. It also would have financial implications on the buyers. Therefore, the builders and officials would have to complete their task to rule out delay in the issue of the OCs.