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Speed up permissions!

MAUD Principal Secretary M. Dana Kishore

The Principal Secretary of the Municipal Administration and Urban Development (MAUD) Department, M. Dana Kishore, has directed the Town Planning officials to expedite the resolution of TG BPASS (Telangana State Building Permission Approval and Self Verification System) applications. Recently, the Principal Secretary reviewed the progress of TG BPASS applications for layout and building construction permits online at the Secretariat with planning officials. He emphasised the need to quickly process TG BPASS applications. If any documents required for an application are missing, he instructed that the applicant should be informed and asked to resubmit the application with all necessary documents.

He also requested a report on the permits issued under TG BPASS by HMDA and GHMC from January this year to date. Additionally, he announced that a review meeting on the progress of TG BPASS applications will be held every Saturday. The meeting was attended by DTCO S Devender Reddy, HMDA Planning Directors Vidyadhar and Rajendra Prasad Nayak, GHMC Chief City Planner Srinivas, planning officials, assistant planning officials, deputy city planners, and others.

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