Shift in preference of women in investments

More women prefer to invest in reality than in gold

The current trend of only males investing in real estate is changing. Women are also getting attracted to invest in real estate. They are spending a portion of their earnings to invest in real estate. According to a consumer survey conducted by real estate agencies like Anarock, the number of women preferring to invest in real estate, deviating from their normal practice of investing in gold, is increasing.

The survey conclusively established that the women feel it is always better to invest in real estate rather than investing in gold. At least 65% of the women who have taken part in the survey inclined towards investing in real estate, while only 20 per cent preferred to invest in the stock market. However, only 8% of the surveyed indicated their preference to invest in god. Seven percent of the sample gave priority to invest in fixed deposit bonds. In all, 36% of the women surveyed showed interest to buy homes whose cost varies between Rs 36 lakh to Rs 90lakh, 27% of the women preferred to invest in homes whose cost varies between Rs 90 lakh to Rs 1.5 crore. Over 20% voted to invest in luxury homes that cost exceeds Rs 1.5 crore.

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