Categories: TOP STORIES

Not parks.. forests are needed

They are necessary to prevent pollution in cities.

In cities that are turning into concrete jungles, parks are the people’s respite. At the time when existing trees are being cut down and projects are being built, there is a need for parks. However, the Delhi High Court has made it clear that there is a need to create forest wealth wherever possible in the cities in the face of increasing pollution. The Delhi Development Authority has been directed to establish as many forests as possible in the city.

The DDA rejected the proposal of setting up an ornamental park instead of a forest on the 55-acre land. It is clear that every inch of that 55-acre land should be used for forest formation. After doing so, it will act as the lungs of the city. Delhi needs to reduce pollution. What Delhi needs is not ornamental parks; it needs a forest, said Justice Jasmeet Singh. Cities have become crowded after increasing urbanization.

The pollution from vehicular traffic, factories, industries, etc. has become worse. In this background, trees are very necessary for man to protect himself from them. It is possible only when one is dense, like forests, rather than the other.

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