Categories: TOP STORIES

New Leaders in Hyderabad Construction sector

In any realty meeting in the construction sector, men are the most visible. But, now things have completely changed. Because of women’s natural creativity, understanding, and ability to perform well, they are able to manage even the biggest companies. Many interesting topics were discussed in the Realty Summit organised by VB Prosperity on the leadership of women in the construction sector of Telugu States. Here is what the female developers have to say about the challenges and opportunities women face in the realty world.

Can women handle deals involving crores of rupees?

Our parents provided equal opportunities and encouraged us. We were given complete freedom, whether studying abroad or handling business. However, it took some time for customers and suppliers to understand our decision-making capabilities. Some people would question if you are the final decision or if there is someone else over you. Their major doubt has been, whether a woman is capable of taking decisions in deals involving crores of rupees. Suppliers always address us as “Dear Sir” in their emails. I can say for sure that it will not take them long to understand that people running the organisation need not be a “Sir”. Emotions and facts should be separated while taking decisions. Results are also better when decisions are made by analyzing data to launch a project. Colleagues gain confidence in us. This wisdom is a gift given to me gained from the experience of my parents. – Chaitra Cheruku, COO, RV Nirmaan

Emotional intelligence is high

Inherited leadership for women in this male-dominated field is not easy. Nothing comes on a gold plate. Things are not as smooth as they seem for us. In building a team, the emotional intelligence of women is very helpful in understanding departments like customer care and sales. The most searched word on the internet in 2022, is “Women”. Because we are seeing women rising and moving as leaders all over the world. Not to mention the fact that women are playing powerful roles in the real estate world as well. As Ratan Tata said on one occasion – “I don’t believe in taking right decisions, I take decisions and make them right”. Only a woman can have that talent, skill and wisdom. Whether the mind or the heart, which dominates more in the decision-making depends on the situation that we are dealing with. – Nagini Ravi Singareddy, Director, Shilpa Group.

Let us be leaders!

In early days after I took over the leadership of the Ark Group, there was a doubt whether the realty sector, employees, vendors, contractors and others, would accept and respect me and my decisions as they had accepted my father. Initially, everyone respected me because of my position. But due to the research work done before starting the project, sharing ideas in meetings, going on site visits together, having meals with them and being completely immersed in the work, we started getting new results. And then everyone started understanding and accepting my leadership. Employees and consultants have understood that leadership cannot be inherited and that the management’s role in getting results is only five percent, and 95 percent work at the ground level is the only way to get good results. Whenever someone comes up to you with a problem and you solve it, you gain their confidence.

There is a need for changing the thought process that only sons can lead the companies as the daughters will get married and go away. We can get married, mother children, and even build a company effectively. Women of this generation have that commitment. When none refers to men as male leaders, why should women be referred as female or women leaders. Let us just call ourselves leaders.

– Meghna Gummi, CEO, Ark Group

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Real Estate Desk