
New Covid-19 protocol At work places

  • IT units phasing out work-from-home system
  • Checkmating the virus with aid of technology

As the third variant of Covid-19 is on the way out, IT units have been gradually phasing out work-from-home system and making plans to completely revert to the previous work-from-office system. They have already alerted the employees to be prepared to come to offices in phases from April onwards. By now, over 50 per cent of the employees working in IT sector across the nation have been working from office three days a week. Efforts are on to increase the attendance to 100 per cent.

In this backdrop, realty developers as well as several management organisations have tightened their belts to enforce Covid-19 rules 100 per cent keeping in mind the experiences people have gone through the pandemic situation during the past two years. Besides sanitising the areas frequented more and more by the people, automatic doors, elevators are being provided in office buildings to check the spread of the virus, if any, to the minimum level. As a result, the users would not have to touch the door handles or press the elevator buttons.

To make work places free of the virus, the available modern technology is being exploited to the hilt. For example, provision of the isolation chambers, deployment of touch-free systems in common areas, use of AERV filters to purify air and so on. Some other organisations have been providing gymnasia, games rooms and meditation facility. Some other organisations have been creating pleasant ambience in offices to make the workers feel very comfortable. Several IT companies have been leaving no stone unturned to keep the Covid-19 virus at bay forever. They have been focussing on ensuring health security of their employees.

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